
Welcome to Ethox • Formed in 1968

Cleaner and Greener Beauty Products

Today’s consumers are becoming more cognizant of the social and environmental impacts of their day-to-day routines. They read product labels, research manufacturers, and follow social media influencers to select products that will provide them with performance as well as added health and wellness benefits
for themselves and the environment.

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Over the past several years, there has been a huge push for “Cleaner and Greener Beauty Products”. Customers are seeking more natural and environmentally-friendly ingredients and emulsifiers for their cosmetic and personal care items. The concept of clean beauty implies that products are made without ingredients shown or suspected to harm human health and provides the consumer with transparent labeling and traceability of ingredients. Greener products are said to be sustainable and produced in such a way to minimize their carbon footprint and their impact on the surrounding environment.

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Because consumers will actively support manufacturers that they perceive are more conscious of environmental, social, and ethical practices, cosmetic companies are scrambling to recreate an industry with better product traceability transparency and tighter standards than in the past. They are coming up with creative ways to develop safe and effective products while protecting and sustaining resources (especially water), and minimizing pollution.

  • Waste free, recyclable, and refillable packaging
  • Renewable, plant-derived feedstocks
  • Reduced water use; product concentrates and rinse free cleansers and dry shampoos
  • Ethically and responsibly sourced ingredients
  • “Toxin”-free ingredients (including those free of 1,4-dioxane)

Undoubtedly, we expect to see a continuation of these “clean and green” trends throughout the consumer goods industry, influencing raw materials, formulations, packaging, as well as marketing of finished products.

Ethox works diligently to keep up with market trends and supply products to meet today's needs. Please see our Personal Care Brochure and Natural Product List to review all of our offerings.

Make sure to stop by and see us at booth #466 at the NYSCC Suppliers' Day in New York, June 3-4.

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